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Leewell Intelligent Status Monitoring System Continues to Be Used in PSA 8 Quay Cranes Project

2021-12-22 12:00:00

Project background: At present, Leewell Intelligence has provided intelligent status monitoring system for the 20 quay cranes of Tuas F2 terminal and 1 quay crane of the PPT1 terminal of the PSA Group.

In November 2021, ZPMC placed an order with Leewell for purchasing Intelligent Status Monitoring System for 8 QCs of PSA Group Tuas F1 terminal. Leewell is so honored to learn that the system will be used in this project after it is used in Tuas F2 project and PPT1 project. The success of this project will lay a more solid foundation for the cooperation between PSA Group and Leewell. Leewell will continue to work hard, step by step, and provide customers with high-quality services. 

Leewell Intelligent Status Monitoring System Continues to Be Used in PSA 8 Quay Cranes Project

2021-12-22 12:00:00

Project background: At present, Leewell Intelligence has provided intelligent status monitoring system for the 20 quay cranes of Tuas F2 terminal and 1 quay crane of the PPT1 terminal of the PSA Group.

In November 2021, ZPMC placed an order with Leewell for purchasing Intelligent Status Monitoring System for 8 QCs of PSA Group Tuas F1 terminal. Leewell is so honored to learn that the system will be used in this project after it is used in Tuas F2 project and PPT1 project. The success of this project will lay a more solid foundation for the cooperation between PSA Group and Leewell. Leewell will continue to work hard, step by step, and provide customers with high-quality services. 

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