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Standardization Administration of China approved the release of two national standard of surge protection device

2017-06-16 23:06:59

On February 24, 2016, the national standardization management committee approved the release of GB/T 18802.21 2016 “l(fā)ow voltage surge protector-Section 21: performance requirements and test methods of surge protector (SPD) for telecommunication and signal network”  and GB/T 18802.31 2016 “l(fā)ow voltage surge protector-surge protector for special application(include direct current powered) -Section 31 parts: performance requirements and test methods of surge protection devices (SPD) used in photovoltaic system, the two standards will take effect from September 1, 2016.

Photovoltaic industry is one of the most promising industry in new energy field in our country presently, photovoltaic electric generation system applied in thunder and overvoltage protection has also been concerned. Photovoltaic dc surge protector applied as the protection devices in the dc side of photovoltaic electric generation system has been widely used both in China and abroad, but our country has been lack of related standards. The release of the GB/T 18802.31 2016 is the first national standards book for the surge protector in dc side of photovoltaic system, to fill the blank of domestic standard in the photovoltaic dc SPD performance requirements.

The release of the GB/T 18802.21 2016 is equivalent to adopt the latest edition of the IEC standard IEC61643-12. Compared with GB/T 18802.21 2004,

Standardization Administration of China approved the release of two national standard of surge protection device

2017-06-16 23:06:59

On February 24, 2016, the national standardization management committee approved the release of GB/T 18802.21 2016 “l(fā)ow voltage surge protector-Section 21: performance requirements and test methods of surge protector (SPD) for telecommunication and signal network”  and GB/T 18802.31 2016 “l(fā)ow voltage surge protector-surge protector for special application(include direct current powered) -Section 31 parts: performance requirements and test methods of surge protection devices (SPD) used in photovoltaic system, the two standards will take effect from September 1, 2016.

Photovoltaic industry is one of the most promising industry in new energy field in our country presently, photovoltaic electric generation system applied in thunder and overvoltage protection has also been concerned. Photovoltaic dc surge protector applied as the protection devices in the dc side of photovoltaic electric generation system has been widely used both in China and abroad, but our country has been lack of related standards. The release of the GB/T 18802.31 2016 is the first national standards book for the surge protector in dc side of photovoltaic system, to fill the blank of domestic standard in the photovoltaic dc SPD performance requirements.

The release of the GB/T 18802.21 2016 is equivalent to adopt the latest edition of the IEC standard IEC61643-12. Compared with GB/T 18802.21 2004,

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